Alber e-fix Power Assist

Flexibility is Important.
The e-fix allows you to have both a manual wheelchair, and an electric wheelchair with ease. Simply twist the motor hubs on each wheel to covert from a manual to electric and back.
The e-fix can be adapted to your requirements - whether gentle or
sporty: The drive unit can be individually programmed. In this
way, its driving characteristics can be tailored to suit you. The
control unit can be attached to suit both left-handed or right-handed individuals. Suitable for the weight of up to 120kg.

You are in control.
It is so easy to control your wheelchair with e-fix you can get used to it almost at once. Buttons that are clearlyarranged and easy to reach on the control unit ensure the easiest possible handling.
You always have all the important information clearly in view on the easily legible display. The backlit display can be read easily, even in the dark.
The small control unit ensures more comfort when driving. The speed can be varied continuously through a controller that is easy to grip. The lower the speed selected, the more agile the driving behaviour. You steer and the e-fix thinks for you!

Lightweight and Compact.
Motor, break, gear and coupling are all integrated into the drive wheel in the drive hub. No tools needed to attach and remove.
Low weight, no tools necessary. To load, just undo the quicklock release fasteners and remove the e-fix components from
the wheelchair. No part weighs more than 7.9 kg and everything
finds space in the back of any car

Easy as 1,2,3.
1. Drive Wheels: Fix onto the wheelchair with quick-lock release fasteners, easily remove with no tools when not required.
2. Control Unit: With a large battery status display, adjustable driving characteristics and ergonomically arranged controls.
3. Battery Pack: Small and light, the battery pack is suspended under the seat to save space, and allows a range of up to 16km.
Commonly Asked Questions
The e-fix can be used with most models of wheelchairs. Brackets to attach the drive wheels are fastened onto the frame of the wheelchair. The manual wheels for your wheelchair can normally still be used.
You can continuously vary the maximum speed of the e-fix between 0.5 and 6 km/h.
Yes! The holder that is available as an accessory allows the control unit to be installed on the push handles of the wheelchair. The optional intuitive attendant control makes it easier for the attendant to push the chair.
Depending on the weight of the person, the sort of terrain, the temperature, the wheelchair settings and the surface of the ground, one charging of the battery is good for up to 16 km. An additional spare battery is a simple solution to increase the range.
The e-fix can manage gradients and slopes of up to 20%, depending on the wheelchair settings, the weight of the occupant and the ground.
Yes! All the e-fix components can be easily removed from the wheelchair without needing any tools, and save space when loaded into the back of any car. Your wheelchair can still be folded up.
Drive wheels 7.9 kg
Battery pack 2.1 kg
Control unit 0.6 kg
Interface 0.8 kg
Total weight 19.3 kg
120 kg
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